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Sorting Parameters

We define OrderByInput for sorting the results of a query. By defining the orderBy parameter in the query, each sortable field (such as int, string) will have an _ASC or _DESC enum type defined for sorting. Currently, only single-column sorting is supported. For example, if we want to sort virtual machines in descending order by CPU, we can use the following order parameter:

"orderBy": "VcpuDesc"

This will sort the virtual machines in descending order based on their CPU values.

Other Parameters

Parameter NameTypeRequiredExplain
afterstringNoFill in a single resource’s id, representing to acquire resources after this resource and not including it.
beforestringNoFill in a single resource’s id, representing to acquire resources before this resource but not including it.
firstnumberNoIt can be used together with after / before, representing the number of data acquired after the specified resource.
lastnumberNoIt can be used together with after / before, representing the number of data acquired before the specified resource.
skipnumberNoIt can be used together with after / before,representing to start a query after skipping n items of the specified resource.
orderByenumerationNoall the values can be queried in the respective schema of the api. It represents the order of query results, usually including descending or ascending order of all the fields of the resource, i.e., _DESC or _ASC.
whereobjectNoconditional query, representing to query the resources that meet the conditions. The specific type of where can be found in the schema of the corresponding api.
#Take `/get-users` as an example, where is `UserWhereInput`, which explains the query conditions of the id value.

# The resource whose id is 1
id: "1",
# The resource whose id is not 1
id_not: "1"
# The resource whose id is within the given range
id_in: ["1","2","3","4"]
# The resource whose id is not within the given range
id_not_in: ["1","2","3","4"]
# The resource whose id is less than 1, here lt = less than (<)
id_lt: "1",
# The resource whose id is less than or equal to 1, here lte = less than or equals (≤)
id_lte: "1",
# The resource whose id is greater than 1, here gt = greater than (>)
id_gt: "1",
# The resource whose id is greater than or equal to 1, here gte = greater than or equals ( ≥)
id_gte: "1"
# The resource whose id value contains 1
id_contains: "1",
# The resource whose id value does not contain 1
id_not_contains: "1"
# The resource whose id value starts with 1
id_starts_with: "1",
# The resource whose id value does not start with 1
id_not_starts_with: "1",
# The resource whose id value ends with 1
id_ends_with: "1",
# The resource whose id value does not end with 1
id_not_ends_with: "1"

Take the prisma Official Document as an example, to further explain the query conditions of after, before,first, last, skip.


# Get the first 3 records in the resource
{ first: 3 }


# Get the first 5 records after the 5th one, i.e., the 6th ~ 10th records
skip: 5
first: 5


# Get the last 3 records in the resource
last: 3


# Get the 7 records before the last but three record, i.e., the 4th ~ 10th before the last record
last: 7,
skip: 3


# Get the first 3 records after the record with id of cixnen24p33lo0143bexvr52n
after: "cixnen24p33lo0143bexvr52n",
first: 3


# Get the first 5 records after the 3rd record after the record with id of cixnen24p33lo0143bexvr52n
first: 5,
after: 'cixnen24p33lo0143bexvr52n',
skip: 3,


# Get the first 5 records before the record with id of cixnen24p33lo0143bexvr52n
last: 5,
before: 'cixnen24p33lo0143bexvr52n',


# Get the 3 records before the last but five record before the record with id of cixnen24p33lo0143bexvr52n, i.e., the 6th ~ 9th records from the record with that id
last: 3,
before: 'cixnen24p33lo0143bexvr52n',
skip: 5,